Amulet Technology on Display!
2024 NASRO School Safety Conference
Phoenix, Arizona - July 14 - 19, 2024
Amulet goes on the offense! See and learn about the latest in physical security technology for protecting life from ballistic violence in the school environment. The Amulet team will be revealing newly available game-changing products and services specifically designed to aid School Resource Officers and First Responders during an Active Shooter event.
NASRO Conference Information:
Visit Amulet - Booth #202 We look forward to meeting you!
NASRO Conference Information:
Visit Amulet - Booth #202 We look forward to meeting you!
Amulet Is Proud To Host
Physical Security Engineering Convergence Bootcamp
Scottsdale, Arizona - January 6 - 10, 2020
There is a convergence of physical security technology taking place - and it will have a profound effect on the security landscape as we move into the future. In order to prepare for the coming together of these diverse technologies, it is paramount to understand the basics of physical security, the application of this new wave of technology and how to enhance its effectiveness.
Learn from the experts - Award-winning Haines Security Solutions will provide instruction on a variety of topics, including:
Who is this Bootcamp for? Administrators . Architects . Construction Managers . Contractors . Corporate Security Officers . Emergency Managers . Engineers . Facility Managers . Government . Civilians . Military Officials . Planners . Public Officials . Security Managers
For specifics and registration, please visit and complete the CONTACT US form at the bottom of the homepage. A representative will contact you to provide more information.
Learn from the experts - Award-winning Haines Security Solutions will provide instruction on a variety of topics, including:
Who is this Bootcamp for? Administrators . Architects . Construction Managers . Contractors . Corporate Security Officers . Emergency Managers . Engineers . Facility Managers . Government . Civilians . Military Officials . Planners . Public Officials . Security Managers
For specifics and registration, please visit and complete the CONTACT US form at the bottom of the homepage. A representative will contact you to provide more information.
Amulet To Host Security Training Event
Designing Secure Buildings - Integrating Security Technologies
Want to know how structures like these can help mitigate ballistic violence and other acts of terrorism? Join us for a very special training event – Designing Secure Buildings: Integrating Security Technologies – June 4 thru 6 – in Salem, MA to learn how private industry and government agencies utilize building design as a core component of their global security strategy.
Whether an Architect, Engineer, Construction Manager, Security Specialist, Law Enforcement Officer, or simply interested in becoming familiar with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) - as well as other elements of deterrence, delay, detection, and defense - we invite you to attend. Please note: while there is a cost to attend this training, a discount is available for attendees (mention Amulet when registering). CLU credits will also be earned for Physical Security Engineering. For specifics and registration, please visit and complete the CONTACT US form at the bottom of the homepage. A representative will contact you to provide more information. |
Amulet Is Proud To Sponsor
The Inaugural National Summit On School Safety
Hosted By Safe And Sound Schools

National School Safety Conference and Exhibition
Orlando, Florida July 23 – 27
Amulet to Reveal Groundbreaking Device for Protecting Students, Teachers, and Administrators!
Arconas Incorporated will be unveiling their highly anticipated Flyway airport seating collaboration featuring Amulet® Ballistic Barriers in Long Beach, CA, at the annual American Association of Airport Executives Conference. This showcase will highlight the unique capabilities of Amulet® technology, as the airport seating models will have been shot multiple times beforehand. Don't miss out on this unique exposition and the chance to finally witness the Flyway seating line.
Find out more >> |
"Using Building Design to Reduce the Effects of Terrorist Attack (DBT)" Workshop
April 6, 2017
Las Vegas, NV - Hosted by Haines Security Solutions
April 6, 2017
Las Vegas, NV - Hosted by Haines Security Solutions

This Amulet® Ballistic Barriers sponsored workshop offers the chance to learn 25 mitigation strategies designed to reduce the effects of terrorism. Mingle with architects, engineers, military officials, security managers, and many more industry professionals at this exclusive workshop, plus gain ballistic certification.
Find out more >>
Find out more >>
"International Passenger Terminal Expo 2017"
March 14-16, 2017
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Collaboration with Arconas Corporation ©
March 14-16, 2017
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Collaboration with Arconas Corporation ©

Amulet® Ballistic Barriers has teamed up with Arconas, one of the world's leading manufacturers of airport seating, to seamlessly integrate our bullet-resistant technology into airport seating. Join us in Amsterdam to experience the world's largest annual airport exhibition, and witness the unveiling of our collaboration with Arconas. This new furniture line is not only designed to shield passengers in the event of an act of public violence, but is also a first for the global airport industry.
Find out more >>
Find out more >>