Invisible Bullet and Blast Protection for Virtually Any Environment
Introducing - Revolution Shield®
Amulet, the leader of ballistic protection for the public space, has teamed with PS Furniture to introduce the world's lightest bullet and blast-resistant table. Even more remarkable is its ability to instantly transform - from a table into a 'protective wall' - within seconds at the push of a button!
Regardless of environment or application, the Revolution Shield® table serves as both a furniture product AND a physical security device. Available in a variety of sizes and finishes, in stationary or mobile configurations, the Revolution Shield® is something you can get behind! Now Available with Amulet Intercept™ ballistic detection and notification connectivity...built in!
Revolution Shield® - Transforming Table - Starting at $85 per month OR...
Invisible Protection from BULLETS and BLAST at the Touch of a Button!
Leading Security Experts Agree - this beautiful and functional, ultra-lightweight flip-top table is truly 'revolutionary'. Not only does it serve as a table, it instantly transforms into a life-saving ballistic 'shield' - with the touch of a button!
Revolution Shield® Flip-Top Table is embedded with award-winning Amulet®Ballistic Barriers (work-surface and modesty panel) providing state-of-the-art ballistic protection from a full spectrum of handgun fire, as well as fragmentation from IED blast - Amulet 1 is tested to UL752/Level 6 and NIJ 0108/Level IIIA.
NOW EQUIPPED! with our exclusive Amulet Access Area™ - providing front-line personnel with immediate access to the tools you need most in an emergency situation. First Responder TRAUMA MEDPAC, MOLLE attachment system, and STRAP HANDLES for maneuverability (Optional).
Options available include Amulet Intercept™ Ballistic Detection and Notification connectivity. Contact Amulet Customer Support to learn more.
Revolution Shield® In Action - Video:
- Amulet®Ballistic Barriers Superior Ballistic Protection
- Designed for bullet and blast fragmentation absorption
- Thin in Profile and Ultra-light in weight
- Environmentally friendly - non-toxic and sustainable
Available in two sizes with choice of surface and edge band color selection - see attached for selection
BALLISTIC PROTECTION: Amulet®1 and Amulet®2 - Handgun
FOB Plant - Contact Amulet Customer Support for Price Quote
International Shipment Available
Estimated delivery: 4 - 6 weeks ARO
Financing Available - Instant Quote
Questions? Amulet Customer Support - 866.903.0039 - [email protected]
Available on GSA
Registered - NATO Support and Procurement Agency
Note: Furniture products containing Amulet®Ballistic Barrier technology are viewed as capital equipment and considered a life-safety ‘device’. Federal, State, and Local Government agencies may be eligible for US Homeland Security Grant Program funds for purchase. Price subject to change.